Include guards in C

Include guards are a mechanism used in C and C++ programming to prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file. They help avoid issues such as redefinition errors, which can occur when the same header file is included multiple times in a program.

Terminal not launching in Ubuntu 22.04

Hi, today’s post will be very short. Recently I found out that there is a strange bug related to Python version upgrade. My terminal stopped working after I upgraded Python version from 3.10 to 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04. Not only terminal, but also other preinstalled applications like „Software Updater”. I decided to write a short article about this, first to warn you and second to give you a quick fix.

Stack, heap and memory management in microcontrollers

In this article I’ll do my best to explain as simply as possible how memory management in microcontrollers works, what are „stack” and „heap” areas, and what’s the difference between them. Let’s start with a general diagram presenting how „uC” RAM memory is divided into diffrent arreas: Starting from the bottom, which is the beginning […]