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About this blog

Hello and welcome on ucdev blog

Ucdev is a blog about developing embedded systems. It is directed to all embedded enthusiasts, from hobbies to professional developers. The goal is to share knowledge, educate, consolidate the fundamentals, and learn news from the world of embedded.

The topics of the articles will be diverse in form and scope of knowledge. From the basics of the C language, to technical issues related to the various technologies currently used in embedding, ending on the tutorial-style articles showing the practical use of essential tools for every embeded developer.

Main goal for this blog is to put focus on in dept understanding of issues covered and practical approach. I’m not an expert on everything. I’m hardly an expert in a few areas, so if you find any errors, or mistakes, or maybe something is explained not clearly enough. Please feel free to contact me in any form, or put a comment below the articles.

„To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.”


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